
Editing anything (especially this blog)

First and formost, I am not a writer…but that is not then reason why I am not editing a ton of what I write..

Writing this blog is fundamentally framed on addressing three key issues…

  • First is I’m addressing the “intelligence deterioration” as when you try to not use a certain skill like computer coding (namely: markdown, node, javascript and git) or writting…it will get worse. Tiny allotment of time daily is still better than a weekly approach. I kind of lose the habit if I do not do it on a daily basis and fail to absorb all the significant benefits of it.

  • I use this blog as a time capsule or data store of my ideas - which can become a basis of reviewing myself…

  • Lastly, to improve my writing. This comes last as writting is not my bread and butter for sustaining myself and my parents and brother in the Philippines (I work as an accountant…), writting a lot has proven to be a very useful skill and have prevented a lot of bad situations for me and the projects or company I serve with.

That last bullet is related to editing. Yeah I should edit the crappy rough drafts I have here that can be useful for some people but what I have as limited time to create and code these blogs is scarce and routine edits kind of not available for the time being. I would love to edit a lot but the opportunity for to do such cannot present itself as of the moment.

Yeah, for the past two and a half years of writting, it has presented a huge game changer to my interaction to the meta and physical realities that we encounter all the time. It allowed me to engage in any kind of conversation, have courage in any situation and form a brain cycle to accept what I do know and what I do not know. The ability to review myself provides such insightful reflections…

PS. I try to create this blogs for my children and grandchildren in the future for them to read. That will be a very cool experience for them to have as I myself could be so fascinated of the idea that ability to go back to time and read your parents’ or grandparents’ earlier frame of thoughts…


Tagged with blog | projects | creating-art | rational-stoic

Posted July 03, 2020

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