I really cannot believe that a better fuel for the brain means a superior memory recall - way better even when I was younger..
To be honest, I really just wanted a superior health and unlimited energy from the ketogenic lifestyle and have dispensed out a lot of the “improvement in cognitive ability” that most prominent ketogenic sources so mentioned. I never thought that this might be the most important part of the diet - getting back to our primal nature creates a tremendous edge in cognitive ability.
How cutting edge it is? Is it like a super power?
Well, I should say there were unique scenarios that I was able to use my memory that a conventional person will not be able to do. This real situations gave me a chance to test my increase in effeciency in memory recall:
There are a lot more of instances that I have improved my ability to recall information. And also, the firing of neurons while exercising is hugely as important to my superior ability to collect data like a sponge and be able to utilize it in a manner that is useful. I have been doing some re-reading especially of the old books that is dusting out in my kindle. Also, I am retaking my old course which is way easier now as it is rather easier for me to see how javascript captures unique patterns.
I am really trying to dig this new found upgrade in my brain processing. Also I am taking huge steps to preserving my body, mind and spirit as I do not want the potential to go to waste because of an unfortunate event. I am very optimistic with things are going in my life and has a great outlook especially as 2020 is approaching. I wonder still if this could land me a job with any of Elon Musk’s companies. Well, I might have to improve my computer coding skills to get me going on that path. Only time will tell…
Posted December 23, 2019