
the code of this blog


The virtual world we interact everyday is composed of codes created to communicate to servers all over the world. A typical website makes an average of 100 requests (code interactions) to a server.

The code of this blog is a great example to show how complicated things could be in the eyes of a machine trying to understand all the things that we want it to do.. You can see the tech-stoic blog code through this link.

This blog is written in javascript, html and css with the use of reactJs and gatsbyJs as frameworks. The original code is from the developer of gatsbyJs, Kyle Matthewes.

Github is a source control platform designed to share and collaborate coding projects. It also allows anyone who understand code to use all pre-built softwares and tweak them for their own purpose.

I honestly like this more compared to wordpress as it allows me to apply my skills in javascript and without paying fees annually. Wordpress also charges an additional fee for usage of css and javascript files. The only thing to do this is you must know how to code, of which not all people can do.

Tagged with technology | blog

Posted November 27, 2018

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