Code, Art & Blog created by
Miguel de Guzman
who lives and works in Cayman Islands..
07Mar21: Thank you Dr. Peterson
04Feb21: Do we understand how we crave for knowledge?
03Feb21: Truth serves life
27Jan21: On the topic of evil
25Jan21: Focus
03Jan21: Future Authoring (Part 1)
28Dec20: Our ability to create
07Dec20: Thoughts after my first marathon
02Nov20: A stoic letter, the weakening natural world..
18Oct20: A stoic letter, when most think taking care of our body and mind sounds insane..
01Oct20: A stoic letter, a letter to myself
29Sep20: 35th
08Sep20: Nutrition
07Sep20: Random
05Sep20: Ideological lenses
02Sep20: The natural world
01Sep20: The human animal
31Aug20: The greatest story ever told?
27Aug20: What has changed in a year?
25Aug20: ^^Why write a book?
24Aug20: Procastination
16Aug20: Chaos and Order
10Aug20: The multi-variant problem of a degenerating society
09Aug20: A bit disorganized
25Jul20: Uniquely human (ver. 1.2)
24Jul20: Uniquely human (ver. 1.1)
21Jul20: Evolved for survival (ver. 1.0)
20Jul20: Book Outline Ver. 2
18Jul20: Part 1 - Destruction of the natural world (Ver. 1)
17Jul20: Introduction version 4
16Jul20: Introduction version 3
14Jul20: Predicting the next Aion - Intro 2nd version
13Jul20: Predicting the next Aion - Introduction
12Jul20: Drafting a book?
11Jul20: Life is suffering
10Jul20: Ideas have people
09Jul20: Self-talk
08Jul20: An interesting conversation
07Jul20: Almost went straight to sleep
06Jul20: The last of us 2
05Jul20: Writing speedrun
04Jul20: Light, memory and conciousness
03Jul20: Editing anything (especially this blog)
02Jul20: Lizard brain
01Jul20: Aion
30Jun20: Wearables
29Jun20: Strange bets
26Jun20: The world getting confused..
15Jun20: What is actually happening in the BLM protests..
31May20: Rational Stoic
02May20: Responding to high demand
20Apr20: When I was Africa
12Apr20: Game addiction
09Apr20: Geopolitics in a pandemic
29Mar20: Unsettling thoughts
26Mar20: China crossing the line
22Mar20: Adapting to the coronavirus pandemic
19Mar20: THE PLAN!!!
16Mar20: Paranoia
05Mar20: Dexterity
29Feb20: Coronavirus (1st Wave)
16Feb20: Neitzsche
03Feb20: Grit
27Jan20: How hard is computer coding?
19Jan20: The importance of empty spaces
01Jan20: Plans for 2020..
26Dec19: How did 2019 went?
24Dec19: Geological time
23Dec19: Enhanced memory (keto, 10 months in..)
22Dec19: Sequencing
19Dec19: Zia
11Dec19: INFJ
08Dec19: Absurd math
04Dec19: Retaking zero-to-mastery (part 1)
01Dec19: First fifty rounds
28Nov19: List of current experiments
26Nov19: Cirle of Protection
19Nov19: Keto 7 and a half months in..
18Nov19: Momento mori
14Nov19: Farewell Mags
11Nov19: Think Different
05Nov19: Handgun parts 101
01Nov19: Tim Ferriss
28Oct19: 2 for 6
27Oct19: Volunteering
23Oct19: Projects I built (so far..)
22Oct19: We used to hunt
18Oct19: Ancient code
10Oct19: Ascetic
08Oct19: MCTs - keto six months in..
06Oct19: Redundancy & GL-EP#3
29Sep19: Podcasting
27Sep19: GL-EP#2 - Starting at Zero
25Sep19: My Big 5 Personality Test
24Sep19: Art
18Sep19: Random
16Sep19: Casey Neistat
12Sep19: GL-EP#1 - Blogging my way to learn music
11Sep19: Intermittent Fasting
08Sep19: Minimalism
06Sep19: Bloody Physics
04Sep19: Serpents
02Sep19: Disembodied
30Aug19: If I had more time?
28Aug19: Rocketman
26Aug19: When everything fits
25Aug19: Primatology
23Aug19: Athletic Heart
22Aug19: What fits in my smartphone..
21Aug19: What we will not evade
18Aug19: Pillars of Knowledge
16Aug19: Why I'm so grateful?
14Aug19: Bots
13Aug19: Two kinds of Garbage
12Aug19: Stoic philosphy
11Aug19: Embodiment of the shadow
09Aug19: Letter to my future wife
08Aug19: Keto - four months in..
07Aug19: Why code..
06Aug19: I'm not hiding my ideas..
04Aug19: Jack of all trades
03Aug19: Maria Helena
02Aug19: Discerning fundamental truths
01Aug19: Update!!!!
09Jun19: Dopamine
15May19: Adapting to near term climate changes
04May19: Cortisol
27Apr19: Serotonin
22Apr19: Learning Faster
22Apr19: Pancit & Keto
19Apr19: Zero Social Media
14Apr19: Joe Rogan Podcast
14Apr19: Ketogenic Diet
27Mar19: Apes
21Mar19: Responsibility
20Mar19: A few lessons from Wars
19Mar19: The world's greatest smartphone
18Mar19: Capitalism has its flaws
17Mar19: Dr. Jordan B. Peterson Pt.2
16Mar19: California wildfires and Misinformation
15Mar19: The Donald Trump Effect
14Mar19: Integral Thinking
13Mar19: Uninhabitable Earth
11Mar19: 7.7 billion Gods..
09Mar19: Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
07Mar19: What to improve? strengths or weaknesses?
06Mar19: Captain Marvel
04Mar19: Why so serious?
03Mar19: Tools, Culture & Biology
02Mar19: Small stuff matters
01Mar19: Born Good and Evil
28Feb19: Scoliosis
25Feb19: Consumption Overdrive
20Feb19: Five years of travel - luggage concepts
16Feb19: Gratitude
06Feb19: Becoming Agnostic
16Jan19: Habits shape our social interactions
10Jan19: Cats
23Dec18: hired in Cayman Islands
13Dec18: I'm investing
02Dec18: China and Philippines joint oil exploration
01Dec18: The world we have today
29Nov18: the curse of creativity
28Nov18: write blogs regularly and code often
27Nov18: the code of this blog
18Nov18: Why try to make the world better?
10Nov18: Are you solving the right problem?
07Nov18: Plans..sort of
04Nov18: Climate Change
30Oct18: Coming out of retirement
25Oct18: Hiding the genius of the moment
23Oct18: React Native and a really cool project
22Oct18: AI danger
19Oct18: Philippines and technology
18Oct18: Hello World!